How Do Mooring Whips Work?
How Do Mooring Whips Work How Do Mooring Whips Work How Do Mooring Whips Work? Mooring whips are mechanically fastened at one end to the dock while the opposite end is connected to a cleat on the boat via a dock line. When a boat whip is tied to the boat cleat it...

How to Dock a Single-Engine Vessel
Docking a Boat is Not Difficult Pulling into a crowded marina without knowing exactly how to maneuver your single screw boat is one of life’s least pleasant experiences. You’re convinced that all eyes are trained on you, and you may not be wrong. A dual engine boat is...

Avoid Electric Shock Drowning
Mooring Whips Avoid electric shock Drowning Even the name is horrific. It’s literal overkill. If electrocution doesn’t stop the heart outright, instantaneous muscle paralysis drowns even the strongest swimmers, often kids, when they float into this indiscriminate...

Tips on Docking / Spring Lines
Tips on Docking There are many terms used in boating that we hear or become aware of but are not fully understood. So for the sake of clarity; one that I think fits into that category is the term “Spring Lines”. A spring line is actually two lines, one that extends...

Boat Trailers How to Choose the One That’s Right for You
Boat Trailers How to Choose the One That's Right for You Boat trailers are as diverse as boats themselves. Just as you researched your boat before you bought it, you need to do the same thing with your trailer. There are a number of styles, shapes and prices, so doing...

Safe Boating Tips
Safe Boating Tips No matter how much experience you have, it’s always a good idea for everyone to review boating safety rules before departures. Below you will find 10 basic boating safety tips to help you stay safe: Be Weather-WiseAlways check local weather...

Marine Displays
Marine Displays Touchscreen displays make marine electronics easier and faster to use than ever. Once you use a touchscreen, you’ll never want to go back to the old-fashioned push-button mode of operation. Think in terms of today’s touchscreen smartphones — would you...

Protect Your Boat Big & Small From Dock Damage
Thank you for visiting our website dockingproducts.co. General Marine offers docking products uniquely designed to eliminate damage to your boat when coming in contact with your dock. Please look at our docking and marine products such as our mooring whips and pick...